We will win this war!

Barima Peprah-Agyemang
4 min readMar 23, 2020

COVID-19 and its ensuing issues.

Cartoon by Tilapia Da Cartoonist.

It’s been a very dull week to be very candid. One minute, I’m coming back from my birthday lunch to finish off some assignments as usual, the next thing I know Ashesi is sending me off packing back home. Now, I have become an errand boy for my mother. But alas, what can one do?. I want to clear my throat on a few matters really and get back to listening to Worlasi’s Fokoo, so here we go.

To start with, I must commend the government for their steps taken in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have seen as countries like Italy have fumbled with their efforts to deal with the virus; however, it is quite the opposite over here. Swift actions, including the suspension of all public gatherings and total lockdown of our borders, have been taken, and they have resulted in low numbers.

Now, I must note that the government isn’t perfect. Critics have pointed out that the government’s actions have been more reactive than proactive. Accusations of playing politics with the issue have also emerged. Prominent activists have also bemoaned the lack of machines needed in the treating of patients. We must give them their due, however. They have done a great job, in my opinion, and we must throw our support behind them as they seek to erase the virus out of the country.

I must also salute our medical professionals who have not backed away from their duty despite how difficult and treacherous it is. They certainly deserve a raise after this! .Hopefully, in the next month, we should have flattened our curve and set off on the road to economic recovery.

I would urge all of us to remain calm and resolute in the face of this crisis. Let us ensure we abide by all the preventative measures touted by the World Health Organisation, including the washing of hands regularly and social distancing. And please for the love of God, STAY HOME. You are putting yourself and others at risk of contracting the virus if you don’t. At the same time, you are exacerbating the work of our medical professionals. I believe you are shirking your civic duty if you don’t stay at home and instead go out unnecessarily. In essence, don’t be a covidiot.

I have absolute confidence that we will get through this and come out more potent as a nation. Indeed, this virus has prompted us to talk about issues like the provision of healthcare and the sanitation of our cities. I do hope we pay serious attention to these issues even after the end of the pandemic.

Now, as I scroll through my social media, I have come to realise that there is a worrying trend of misinformation about the virus, ways to prevent it and other information. I would urge us all to take our news from verified sources like the Ministry of Information and relevant print and news media. We must also desist from spreading unverified information which will fuel fear and panic. It is dangerous to spread anxiety and panic in these worrying times. Calmness must be the watchword.

I have also observed an upsurge in useless rhetoric aimed not at giving constructive criticism of the government’s efforts based on facts but aimed at riding on the coattails of “wokeness” to social media stardom. This has come from not only the citizenry but journalists who are expected to do better. Don’t get me wrong; I am a strong proponent of constructive criticism. I do believe democracy is moot without the existence of bodies and individuals who serve as a constant check on the excesses and mistakes of government. What we cannot tolerate however is rhetoric which does nothing but fuel resentment for no important reason. What we do need, however, is constructive criticism based on accurate facts and evidence. The government needs an active citizenry which will keep them on its toes. We need it more than ever in these times.

I tend to drone on and on so I’ll stop here. Let’s stay strong folks. We will defeat this!

Deo Volente.



Barima Peprah-Agyemang

Writer (Apparently) and Co-Founder of Akensie, a Ghanaian game startup